{The House}…just a sneaky peek for now…


POSTED IN: The House

Oh my, oh my. Phew. {as I’m wiping the sweat off of my forehead}.

It’s been a crazy/hectic/insane/chaotic/whirlwind/rushing-around-like-a-chicken-with-my-head-cut-off past kind of month! However, although it’s been such a crazy past few weeks, every single second has been worth it! I’m happy to let everyone know that this girl {pointing with both thumbs to myself} has officially moved out of the nest and is living on her on! {Can I get an amen?!} It’s been…well, very exciting to say the least!

That’s right folks, I have moved out on my own in such an adorable little house of my own in downtown Monroe! When I first found the place…{it was listed on Craigslist too! I seriously thought it was too good to be true to be honest! I figured it would be a scam, but I emailed the guy anyway!} I first toured the house and as soon as I walked through the door, I knew it was to be my first home! It fits me so well, and I’m smitten with every nook and cranny! So after two weeks of debating on rather or not it was a good decision, I decided to pack my bags and head south…southeast Charlotte that is!

Come for a visit sometime! Monroe is a little city that has a number of cute little shops, coffeehouses, and restaurants that are well worth exploring! I love the little city so much! My little house is right in the heart of the historic district of downtown Monroe {my house was built in 1919! Old-I know!} I’m so anxious for it to get a little warmer so I can just ride my bike through the streets and right up to my very own front porch! You must come have tea with me soon! I’m just the little house on the corner, and don’t worry I’ll be sitting on my front porch swing waiting for you if you want to come on by!

I know it’s not much, but since I’m still deep in the long drawn out decorating process, I don’t want to post too many pictures just yet! {Hehe, you’ll just have to wait to see all that cuteness dears! :)} However, I will post a couple of pictures taken off my phone of the house and the moving in process!

Speaking of moving, my wonderful family and friends were SO AMAZING during the moving process! Not only did they help me move and take a full Saturday AND Sunday to help me move from Asheboro to Monroe…they also helped me move IN THE SNOW! Yes, I know! They are the best! So thanks y’all!

Well, that’s it for me for a little while loves! I’m off jet setting across the country to the beautiful islands of Hawaii for the next two weeks! {Yes, I can hear all of your jealous sighs!} That’s right, my more-than-amazing family has been planning this Hawaiian Vacation for the past 16 months y’all, and it’s about damn time to go and enjoy it! I’m beyond excited and I can’t wait to share the beauty of the islands with y’all when I return! I already miss you all!}

Aloha lovelies! See y’all soon!

-xo, Emma Loo

In downtown Monroe! I absolutely love the little small town feel! I’m smitten with it!

Lots and lots of Ikea furniture building and unpacking! What better time to wear awesome knee high socks!?

Putting together furniture and drinking a cold one. I’m pretty sure my old man would be proud.


Is it at all possible for someone to be in love with their hardwoods, because if so, then I am a “Stage 5 clinger”. I only had few requests when looking for a place. “Old” and “hardwoods throughout” {which isn’t easy folks, believe me.} Well I found her, and goodness I am in LOVE. {By the way, like my new house shoes?} 🙂

20130320-010227.jpgI probably will never forget this moment. I had had enough of trying to hang curtains on my own, so I gave up and called my grandparents who live just a couple minutes away. They had dropped everything to help me out that day…and boy did it touch my heart. They truly are two amazing, loving, and so selfless individuals. 20130320-010144.jpg

I think I may have a little obsession with chevron, can you tell?

 20130320-010409.jpgSo true.

Come visit soon!



kindness thrown around like confetti.


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