What happens on the porch…stays on the porch!


POSTED IN: Personal

Ohh…I’m still in awe over how simply fabulous my front porch project is turning out so far this season! Last year y’all…man, I barely did ANYTHING to the outside of the house. I had just moved in and I was WAY too concerned with the inside and getting that all fixed up. This spring is different…way different. The porch and all of it’s glory is priority numero uno to this girl…and I ain’t stoppin’ until it’s completed! (Well, I’ll pause every now and then to give the bank account a break…but until then!)

I can’t wait to show y’all the front porch. It’s my little happy place here in the house, and is it sad I actually like being out on the porch now then inside?? (In fact, I’m writing from the swing outside now!) Come visit for a while! I’d love to see y’all!

Wanna know where I bought that trunk there?! At an antique store in Lexington, SC when I went to visit my step-sister Omega! The trunk was for $40, then marked down for $20, then another half off of that! Yes! A steal y’all! I’m planning on storing the cushions inside of it during the winter! (So cute AND functional…I’ll take it!)

Taget Home Pillows I found at Ollie’s for $3.99 each. Yes. Each. 

Found these vintage white chairs at a flea market WAAYY before I even thought about The Emma Loo house. That’s the thing with me. Y’all I’ve been collecting furniture and nic-nacs since way back when! I couldn’t WAIT to have my own house! I bought the pair for $50 and recently had them painted over to help with the rusting. 

My bistro set. Pretty much where you’ll find me eating oatmeal or cereal after a morning run. I love this set. Thrilled I found this set at Target the beginning of the spring.

Ahh…I love my little house!



kindness thrown around like confetti.


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