October | Goals


POSTED IN: Business, Personal


It’s October 1st. I can’t hardly believe it. Where on earth has this year even gone? It has literally flown by! The fall months are my absolute favorite.  There’s just something so cozy and warm about the fall months. Makes me want to snuggle up on the couch in an oversized sweater and light a pumpkin spice scented candle.

I’m so glad fall is here and I hope it stays a while.

Ever since Phillip and I got married in June, I’ve returned from our honeymoon and jumped into building up my photography business with full speed ahead.  It’s been an incredible journey these past few months, so rewarding, so much learning, and just pure happiness! I’ve always been too scared to go full time with my business-but now that I have I — 1.) don’t know why on Earth I waited this long to do so and 2.) I’m never looking back and 3.) Thanking Jesus that I finally listened to Him and followed my calling!

My husband has been such a HUGE support system too!  He’s been my #1 cheerleader, that’s for sure! I literally wouldn’t have made this leap if it wasn’t for him pushing me to go. With his prayers, his guidance, his love and support…I’m right where I’ve always wanted to be.

One thing that has helped me be (& stay!) more productive is making lists.  I’ve always been a list maker.  I literally make lists for everything! Packing lists. Grocery lists. To-Do lists. Goal lists. If it involves more than 2 tasks, you can guarantee that I’ve written the list for it.  Making lists have been a HUGE help to me while growing my business.  Each new day, I start bright and early in the morning making a list of everything that needs to be done throughout the day, for the rest of the week, into next week, and even for the rest of the month.  I keep it simple. I know I won’t be able to get everything done that I would like to, but at least seeing what I need to do, it makes me focus on one task at a time and when I slide my pen through the task when its complete, I feel like I have achieved so much!

Listing my goals has literally helped me SO much and I would be absolutely lost without it. Inspired by one amazing photog-friend (& our wedding photographer!) I’ve decided to share my monthly goals with y’all! In a way, it’s helping me show you how much I’m growing-not only as a photographer, but also in my life… AND I feel like y’all will be able to hold me accountable for anything NOT marked off my list! 🙂

There’s a lot that needs to be done around here, so I’m going to be busy! busy! busy!

Emma Loo Goals:

+Finish picking images for portfolio and publish to webpage. (Started in September, but has been put off! Needing to get this done and published so incoming clients can see my work all at once! Why haven’t I done this earlier!?)

+Have a clean editing slate going into November! Finish editing weddings shot in September (1/4 edited already! Go me!) 

+Work on collaborating with Simpson’s Bridal to finish gallery art wall. (Such a fun project! I can’t wait to update y’all on the progress!)

+Paint/Organize/Decorate Office (paint “Workflow Wall”, hang images, and inspiration board)

+Work on creating blog calendar/post calendar/daily to-do list workflow planner

Personal Goals: 

+Print & frame wedding prints around the house

+Set up hot tub and patio area (can’t wait to have time to do this one! We love using the hot tub on cold winter nights!) 

+Bake homemade fall-themed goods! Give to family & friends

+Run more!

+Finish gallery wall in hallway.


That’s it! Be prepared to see these goals met by November! 🙂 #challengeaccepted








kindness thrown around like confetti.


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