The Trivette Family



Getting together with the Trivette family made my heart just so happy! Mollie & I met while attending RCC for photography, so when she had inquired with me about a family session, I was just delighted to be able to see her again…AND meet her entire family! When I pulled into their driveway, immediately I felt at home.  They all greeted me outside, gave me hugs, and welcomed me to their home (…which was on like 20 acres by the way…and they ALL lived side-by-side…DREAM. COME. TRUE. for me! …Mama, if you’re reading this, can we be neighbors someday?! 😉 ) Mollie immediately said “Let’s get on the Gator and go find a location!” First off, I was like, “Oh Lord, why did I wear a dress today!” and then secondly I kept thinking “HOW COOL IS THIS?”… I get to photograph AND go on an adventure!? A couple laps around the family land and we had picked a location!

The Trivette’s also wanted to include their family dog, Copper, in some of the images.  He’s been in their family for 11+ years and he means the world to all of them! I was thrilled when Copper and I officially “met”.  I was given lots of wet kisses…I was in heaven! After getting home and importing & editing the images on my computer, I kept thinking to myself how awesome it would’ve been to have pictures like this of my dog, Angel, when I was growing up.  I had Angel from the time I was 3 until I turned 21…so she was my puppy all my life! Oh, how I wish I had more pictures of her!! So needless to say, when I was editing the images of all the love and hugs that Copper was giving to his family and all the snuggles that he was getting from his family, I started balling my eyes out…happy tears, of course….but I was missing my Angel!

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Trivet Family (& Copper!)- I am extremely honored & a tad bit jealous that y’all have such images to remember your sweet boy by!  Your family is just delightful and so welcoming, I seriously felt more like your family member rather than your photographer! It was such a great afternoon laughing and spending the time together! THANK Y’ALL all so very much! I had a blast & I hope y’all did too! Enjoy the images! XO! 



kindness thrown around like confetti.


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Copyright Emma Loo Photography © 2018