Burt the Kitty


MM_BURTPhillip and I have a 4+ year plan for kids. We don’t want kids for a little while and we want to enjoy actually being married without having to worry about adding any babies to the mix…not yet, anyways. BUT we do have “furry kids” and we LOVE THEM. We’re even about to add a puppy to our little family unit in early August! (Oh….I cringe at the thought of all that pet hair! Thankfully, we’re getting a G2 Goldendoodle…so no shedding! HALLELUJAH! ) We love being pet Mom & Dad, but goodness, our “son”, Burt is the wild child!

Our cat Burt is CRAY-ZEEE y’all! He is a one-of-a-kind, that’s for sure! We love him to pieces, but goodness gracious! He makes us shake our heads SO many times! We brought him home back in August oh goodness, he was the teeniest-tinyest little kitty! Here he is as a little bitty baby! Wasn’t he just a cutie?! Kitten_Rings_015 Kitten_Rings_034

Now he’s a little less than a year old, and he’s ALREADY heavier than our other cat, SAL. (Vet says he’s fine though, so no worries!) He’s a whopping 8 pounds!

Burt also absolutely LOVES water! YES! I know! WATER! He’ll get in the shower along with me or Phillip while the shower is on or he’ll hang out on the sides of the shower while we’re in there.  SO WEIRD!

Speaking of water…we’re having issues with Burt pawing at the water in his water bowl.  He loves splashing the water around and he literally gets it EVERY WHERE! It’s like he finds it fun or something?! Then he leaves little water footprints all over the house. Ok, so it’s a little cute, I must admit.

No matter what though, we absolutely love our Burt-Burt and he does bring us SO much JOY to our life…even though, he is a water-loving-weirdo.  Our life just wouldn’t be the same without that little rascal.  And don’t let me fool you, he’s spoiled rotten too.  We’ve held him and loved on him so much since he was a small kitten that he’s used to it by now, so we can just pick him up and love on him and snuggle with him so much and he doesn’t mind at all.  I absolutely LOVE that about him!

He’s a Mama’s boy, that’s for sure! Since I work from home, he’s with me in my office pretty much 24/7.  He often ends up in my many Instagram posts and even has his very own hashtag! (Make sure to follow #BurtTheKitty) He’s even been featured in some reposts for some very cool companies on Instagram! So basically, he’s a celebrity, right?! I mean, who wouldn’t love a cat named Burt Reynolds!? 🙂 Hehe! Here’s a couple recent images of Burt! He’s quite the model, isn’t he?!

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Happy Monday to my fellow kitty lovers! XO! -Emma Loo



kindness thrown around like confetti.


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