I’ve said it over and over…and I’ll say it again! I simply ADORE bridal portrait sessions! It’s so relaxed…so much fun…no time limits…no pressure! Just me working with the Bride, playing dress up, and getting to spend some good quality time with the Bride and some of her family and friends before the BIG DAY! Grace’s Bridal Portrait session was just that! She made ONE GORGEOUS BRIDE & goodness gracious, her beauty on the exterior definitely matches her beauty on the inside! And I can say this because I know Grace very well! She was one of my old roommates from college! (Go RCC Armadillos! ) Grace and I were roomies along with our gal-pal, Lindsay. (You can see Lindsay’s wedding day here! Yes! I shot hers TOO! Goodness, I absolutely love my friends!)
I’ve seen Grace handle projects and assignments at photography school like a champ, and now getting to watch her prepare for her wedding day was pure delight! (Just wait until you see her wedding day at Alexander Homestead! GOODNESS! IT’S GORGEOUS!!) I can remember us staying up late or just chatting in the living room and daydreaming about our wedding days, what we’d do, what flowers we’d use…and to know that Grace had me document her very special day was truly SUCH an HONOR!
I don’t know what it was about this Bridal Portrait session with Grace. Maybe it was the amazingly beautiful location at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens that I loved. Or the fact that Grace looked like such a classic and timeless Bride (y’all…she is GORGEOUS!). Or maybe it was the little bit of sunshine and then a WHOLE LOT OF RAIN during this session that made it so memorable! (Seriously, running about a half mile back towards the building in the rain with her dress and my camera equipment was NO JOKE! We made it though! Phew!) This Bridal Portrait session was really one of my favorite sessions to date! Loved getting Grace in front of my camera just a couple of weeks before her best day ever! I simply can’t wait to show y’all the images from her wedding day. YOU. WILL. BE. IN. AWE.
For now, here are some of my absolute faves from her bridals. Leave a comment below & let me know which one is your favorite! 🙂 XO! -Emma Loo
Love. Love. LOVE. She is so effortlessly beautiful! (Jeallllllous!)
Getting Grace to stand in front of the white camilla bush=LOVE!
See Grace+Mike’s Engagement Session HERE!
See more Bridals like this one, HERE!
Are you a NEWLY ENGAGED BRIDE-TO-BE? Contact Emma Loo HERE!