Business Friday | How I Deliver Images to Clients


BF_DeliverClientImagesI must start off this post by saying HAPPY FRIDAY & to give a quick shout out to Candace+Christian who are GETTING MARRIED TODAY! So as much as I’d LOVE to post a LONG blog post (because I KNOOOOW you LOVE reading all that!) I’m going to cut this blog post a little short today! I hope you don’t mind! 😉 After I leave here, I’m off to prepare for today’s wedding! There’a whole lotta packing to be done, that’s for sure!

For today’s Business Friday post, I’m going to share with y’all how I deliver the final images to my Clients after I’ve edited the images and have prepared them for the Client’s viewing. I have to say, ever since starting this business back about 4+ years ago, I’ve had MANY different ways that I’ve delivered images to my Clients, and I’ve got to hand it to my Clients…they’ve been pretty much okay with every weird little thing I’ve handed to them. One time I handed a Bride and Groom their wedding day on like 4 different discs…as in DVD-discs! Their wedding was SO huge and I had SO many images that I had to burn them onto about 4 DVD’s…oh man. If I could’ve seen their faces when they opened up the case and saw FOUR DISCS sitting there! 

Ever since I went full-time with my business back in June 2015, I decided that if I was going to do this, I was going to do it well…and by well, I meant I was going to make sure that I was up-to-date with every aspect of my business and this included Client Image Delivery.  So I made the decision to invest (& when I say invest…I mean it!) into my own customized USB flash drives that I give to my Clients as part of their session or wedding experience.  I absolutely LOVE these flash drives, and so do my Clients! It’s amazing to me what a little piece of wood and my logo engraved in it can do! My Clients just RAVE about the flash drives and I’ve got to hand it to the company who made them…they are pretty amazing…and so cute if I do say so myself! BP_BF_DeliverClientImages-2

The only time I use the USB flash drives is when I’m returning a wedding to a Client or when a session Client has purchased the USB on top of their image gallery.  Speaking of image gallery, I return ALL of my Client images to them electronically too, using an online gallery called Pixieset.  I absolutely LOVE Pixieset and it definitely was a game changer for me and my business.  I did some research and looked at all of the top brands of online photographer galleries, and ended up just loving Pixieset’s look & overall dynamic throughout the galleries.  It’s a great way for my work to be presented to the Client from the start.  I can also share these Pixieset galleries with other inquiring Clients or with interested blog advertisers and wedding blog editors easily.  The other great thing about Pixieset is that it’s all password and email protected…so I can allow for Clients ONLY to view the galleries and each gallery has its very own passcode that is only given to the Client upon receiving the gallery, so I love that feature as well! Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 9.07.47 AM

When I upload a Session Client’s gallery on to Pixieset, they are only able to download the online gallery up to two times at high resolution.  If they wish to purchase the original sized images, they must do so by purchasing the additional USB flash drive at a small price.  Session Client’s online galleries stay published on the gallery site for 3 weeks after I’ve posted their images.  Wedding Client’s are a bit different because they are able to download the Wedding Gallery as many times as they’d like, and their guests are able to individually download images as well (sized for the web only).  Wedding Clients ALSO get a USB flash drive of their entire Wedding Day to keep AFTER their online Wedding Gallery expires three months AFTER their post of images.

Ok! SO! I hope this post has helped & it was pretty informative about how I run my Client Image Return! If you have any questions about anything you may have read in this post, please let me know! Feel free to email me at or leave a comment below! Happy Friday! Thanks for reading! XO!

…ANNNNND…because I couldn’t resist! Here’s a little image of BURT!! He’s just SO cute isn’t he?! Oh boy, I can’t get enough of him! He’s definitely a Mama’s Boy, for sure! We’ve been having some issues with him lately inside the house (making messes, playing in his water bowl & getting water EVERYWHERE, bullying the other inside cat SAL…) though & considering putting him outside to become an inside-outside cat…has anyone ever done this before? I hate to “throw him out” but he’d STILL be able to come inside…I’m just afraid he’ll run off! 🙁 What should we do?! Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!! BP_BF_DeliverClientImages-1

XO! -Emma Loo 🙂



kindness thrown around like confetti.


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