Cierra+Mitch | Wedding Day


POSTED IN: Wedding Day, Weddings

Could you imagine meeting your soulmate in the second grade?!?! Neither could I!! I was way too busy thinking boys had cooties, let alone way far away to even worry about marriage when I was in the second grade! For Cierra and Mitch…those two met in the second grade and they’ve been best friends/soulmates ever since!! When Mitch asked Cierra to marry him, I’m sure it felt to all their families and friends like a long time coming!

Cierra and Mitch were married at a local church and then danced the night away at Monroe Country Club.  Their day was absolutely perfect…but the weather was giving us a run for our money! The chance of rain started to grow later as the day went on. But a little rain didn’t dampen Mitch or Cierra’s spirit one bit.  It may have been super windy, but we had a blast during portrait time, no one could even tell! Plus, all of Cierra’s bridesmaids looked like supermodels with their hair blowing in the breezes (read: gusts of wind!!)  One thing I loved so much about their day was their ceremony was more like a worship experience than a wedding ceremony.  They chose to make their ceremony about God and worshiping Jesus rather than a short service.  It was such a beautiful service filled with hymns, a wonderful message, and such powerful prayer.  When their families surrounded Cierra and Mitch at the altar to pray over them…I could barely keep my eyes dry!

Cierra and Mitch have such a strong, solid foundation for their marriage and I can’t think of anything more beautiful than a newlywed couple who is worshiping and singing praises to the Lord together.  In this day in age, when marriage isn’t taken as seriously as it should be, it’s so great to see two people who take marriage, the covenant of marriage, and their vows so seriously.  It was such an honor to celebrate these two on entering their covenant with one another and with God and it’s truly one wedding service that I will never forget! I always say a little prayer right before I begin shooting a wedding day where I pray for the couple, for their marriage, and for a great day behind camera.  When I prayed for Cierra and Mitch, I prayed asking God to bless their marriage and continue to work in them…and goodness…I’m sure my prayers have been answered! I just adore these two and already know that they have great things in store for them as a married couple!

Enjoy some of my absolute favorites from Cierra and Mitchell’s wedding day! I had a hard time picking just a few for this post! Congratulations Cierra and Mitch! We couldn’t be happier for you two!



kindness thrown around like confetti.


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