I’ve been there SO MANY TIMES before! I’ve anticipated a portrait session for weeks and months it seems like and when the session day FINALLY gets there…Mother Nature has other plans! The weather is either bad and we can’t shoot outside, or the sky is dark, cloudy and gray! It never fails, but it seems […]

I really hate to admit this, but this post has been on my list of things to do for three weeks now.  I always love sharing this post the day before New Years Day or right before Christmas, but it’s been a bit busy in our house and thanks to today’s snow day I’m finally able to […]

DISCLAIMER before y’all start reading…This post is LONG overdue, and probably not going to be the most helpful post of the bunch…simply because it’s my way of organization that works for me.  There’s probably some of y’all out there that may think my methods are a little too ancient or there could be other methods, […]

Something that I’ve challenged myself to do from the start of the New Year was to finally break out of my “comfort zone” and start offering prints, albums, and other keepsakes to my Clients.  While I used to only provide the digital files after I photographed each session or wedding day, I knew that only offering […]

Hey Guys! Happy Friday! It’s officially SUMMER! Yay! For today’s Business Friday post, I’ve decided to share with y’all a life changing thing that I’ve added to my business….yup, you’ve read that right…LIFE CHANGING! Today I’m going to introduce to y’all TRELLO! It’s an online to-do list site that helps you keep up with your […]

kindness thrown around like confetti.


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 © Copyright Emma Loo Photography 2018