November Goals


POSTED IN: Business, Personal

image1It’s November. Hard to believe, but we are in to November now.  Man, this year is flying by!  Last month, I started off the month with listing out my goals for both personal and business life.  It was SO extremely helpful in keeping me focused, enjoying life, and knowing that I really don’t have to get EVERYTHING done.  I just listed 5 things for each category and I was able to accomplish most of them without any trouble.  Now that we’re into November, I’ve decided to create a whole new list of goals with the same idea in mind-keep me focused, productive, and accomplishing more.

Emma Loo Goals:

+Finish online portfolio gallery & post to website. (This is a leftover goal from last month! I don’t know why it is such a hard task for me to accomplish…maybe because I hate being in front of my computer screen more than I have to! It’s at the top of my list this time, so I will definitely be getting it done!)

+Have a clean editing slate going into December! (I was able to do this for October too! Hopefully getting all my mini-sessions edited and delivered back to clients before December! That would be awesome! Then I can actually enjoy the season without the editing on my mind!) 

+Complete the Simpson’s Bridal Gallery wall.

+Book two more weddings for 2016 (making 14 in all weddings for 2016!and one wedding for 2017!

+Make prints or album of portfolio work.

Personal Goals:

+Put family photos from the past 5 years onto USB for Rachel & Mom for Christmas presents (Why haven’t I done this earlier! I have a lot of work ahead of me!) 

+Hang curtains in Dining Room & Front Living Room.

+Run/Work Out at least 4x a week!

+Cook/Stay-in 6 out of the 7 nights a week!

+Organize craft closet.


That’s it! Only 10 things I need to accomplish! It won’t be that hard to do! Can’t wait to be able to cross all of these off my list WAY BEFORE December comes around!

XO! -Emma Loo



kindness thrown around like confetti.


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