Married Monday | Our Trial With Meal Deliveries


MM_TERRASKITCHENREVIEWCooking is something that I HIGHLY dislike! I can’t come up with creative recipes and quite honestly, I’m not that knowledgeable at knowing what meats pairs with what side item, or even how to make it.  Let’s face it, I JUST discovered the right way to boil an egg! So cooking isn’t my forte, and I’m okay with this.  Thankfully (but at times, frustrating!) I have a husband who is quite a picky eater.  Although, I don’t condone his pickiness…he does make meal planning a tad bit easier……but a little bit boring at times!

Although, I would LOVE to have fettuccine alfredo (his favorite!),  frozen pizza (another one of our go-to meals when we’re in a rut!), or steak and potatoes on a weekly basis…unfortunately, you are what you eat…and therefore, we would be awfully unhealthy! I’ve been trying to get creative with our meal planning and that’s when I decided to give meal home deliveries a try! Thankfully, we were gifted two free weeks of meals at Plated and Terra’s Kitchen from some AMAZING Clients and it was perfect timing! Just when I was feeling the uncreative slump of meal planning sinking in…we received our free weeks!

Since the blogging lightbulb didn’t go off until AFTER we received our box from Terra’s Kitchen, unfortunately, I’m leaving images from our Plated experience off this review! However, we were equally pleased with BOTH services & we will most likely try them BOTH again!

After I received a gift card for Terra’s Kitchen, I signed up online through their easy-to-use website.  I was guided through the menus and was able to pick different recipes that I wanted to include in our box.  Once that was done…all we had to do was wait.  Thankfully, I was notified once the box was shipped as well as delivered to our door.
MM_TerrasKitchenReview-1Speaking of delivery…I’ve got to say…out of both companies, I was highly impressed with Terra’s Kitchen delivery over Plated! While I applaud Plated’s use of all recyclable packing materials…ingredients where smashed and oils and liquids were all over the place when I opened the box.  Terra’s Kitchen delivered our meals in a huge insulated cooler that had to be returned by the next business day…all we had to do was unpack the box, close it back up, and sit it out on our doorstep for FedEx to pick up the next day.  It made SUCH a difference!

The meals were SUPER easy to create, but again…I have to hand it to Terra’s Kitchen for being a little more “user-friendly” for this non-chef! I liked the fact that all of the ingredients were fresh delivered from Plated, however, I wish they were delivered to us prepped and ready to throw in…after all the whole point of meal delivery services IS to save time.  I hate to admit, I was Googling videos of how to dice an onion (remember: I’m NOT a cook!) when we were cooking our meals from Plated, whereas Terra’s Kitchen was already diced and ready to go which made the experience MUCH more enjoyable (& easier!) for me!MM_TerrasKitchenReview-2

But both of the meals (once I diced everything the right way!) were FABULOUS! From Plated we had cheesy beef burritos with fresh pico de gallo and guacamole, chickpea grain bowls with kale and avocado, and an Asian-style shrimp salad (which was SO good!). From Terra’s Kitchen, we made these DELICIOUS “Big Island Steak bowls” complete with rice, grilled pineapple, and steak, as well as Blackened Tilapia with a mango blueberry salsa (SO GOOD!) MM_TerrasKitchenReview-3

After our two free weeks of food service, we’re definitely going to be returning customers! However, the service IS a bit pricy…for us, at least…so we’ll save up and do the deliveries again when we’ve planned for special occasions (because we love to be in the kitchen together…no matter what we are trying to cook!) or for sometimes when I know we’re going to be SUPER busy during the week or weekend! It’s also given me a new insight on gift giving! Because, let’s face it! Everyone LOVES food…so it’s given me another gift idea for someone knowing that they will have so much fun doing it too!

Happy Monday Y’all! XO!

Disclaimer: I have received no compensation or products for this review. This blog post is simply a review of my own personal experience and it is in my own opinions.  




kindness thrown around like confetti.


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