Oh my goodness! Where do I even begin with Evie?! She is quite possibly one of the SWEETEST people I know! We met at church and although she’s quite younger than me, she seems like she could be one of my close friends! I had such a fun time with her at her senior session! […]

POSTED IN: Andrew, Personal

While I’m STILL in the midsts of finishing his birth story blog post & his one month update (I know…#MomFail!) I’m wanting to make sure that I TRY MY BEST to keep his monthly blog posts up to date! It’s tough to do ALL. THE. THINGS. but hey, we’re learning as we go, right?! Tomorrow […]

POSTED IN: Engagement

It was such a wonderful time spending the afternoon with Jen and Jason for their engagement session! Those two are quite the pair! Jen is so sweet, genuine, and down-to-earth! Jason literally makes you laugh the second he’s around you…he’s so dang funny!! It was quite a treat to walk around Uptown Charlotte with them! […]

POSTED IN: Wedding Day, Weddings

Veda and David are truly one amazing couple! So it was fitting that their wedding day be just as amazing!! From the moment I met Veda and David and their two daughters at our first meeting, I knew that I was going to so enjoy working with them and have so much fun capturing their […]

POSTED IN: Wedding Day, Weddings

There’s so many things I could say about this day…it was simply perfect! From the small town church wedding ceremony…the sweetest couple…one of the biggest bridal parties we’ve ever worked with…and a brand new amazing venue at The Homestead….Alexis and Will’s wedding day was just a dream! I first met Alexis and Will when they […]

kindness thrown around like confetti.


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