Happy Wednesday Friends!
I feel awful for missing the past couple of Wednesdays and leaving out some important Wedding Wednesday posts! You don’t realize how important something is until it’s gone (ain’t that the truth!!) and when I took a couple weeks off from blogging…my sweet little Brides took notice! Emails started coming in like “Emily, are you ok!? Where have you been? I haven’t gotten an email today…and it’s WEDNESDAY….Wedding Wednesdays? Remember?…” Ok. Ok. Ok….so the emails weren’t THAT dramatic, but still! It warms my heart to see my Emma Loo Brides actually LIKE my posts and I have more readers than just my Mom & Grandma! (Hi ladies!)
So for today’s Wedding Wednesday post, I’m going to talk all about the importance of stationery on wedding day…that’s right, your invitation!! You see, some Brides don’t care at all about their stationary, but then you have some Brides (like yours truly!) that absolutely LOVE it! For our wedding day, the invitation was one of the most important aspects, right underneath photography of course! I knew that I wanted the first impression of our wedding day to be absolutely breathtaking! …And it SO was! Our invites were SO pretty, but a lot of hard work seeing that I wanted to DIY pretty much every aspect of the invitation itself..oh, if only I could go back in time and smack myself on the head when I made THAT decision!
Having an invitation on hand on your wedding day is SO IMPORTANT! Why? Because the invitation helps guide the overall theme and it helps tell the story of your wedding day. That’s why it’s so great when my Brides have their ENTIRE wedding suite on hand (envelope and all contents!…even a stamp!! Yes y’all…a stamp makes ALL the difference!). When I am shooting the detail shots at the start of the day, I LOVE using the invitation suite as part of the backdrop. Instead of just taking one picture of the invitation itself, I like to incorporate the invitation into other aspects of the details shots, like ring shots…with the veil on top…or simply just laying jewelry on top of the invite. This is especially important if your wedding invitation includes fancy fonts, writing, or just overall interesting!
Lots of my Emma Loo Brides don’t bring along their invitation on wedding day, and I do understand why, don’t get me wrong girls! Y’all have got A LOT to think about, so much to carry, and one more thing to add to your to-do list! BUT! Even if you’re not totally in love with your invitation for your wedding day, don’t worry! Still bring it along and really try to remember it on wedding day! It will really help create some beautiful detail shots and help tell your wedding day story from start to finish.
Some more things to think about if you REALLY want to get creative is to bring along any other items that will help piece together your love story or your wedding day. Maybe y’all went to Starbucks for your very first date and a cute ring shot with the Starbucks logo would be a cute idea. Or maybe the pretty scarf you were wearing when he proposed! We can incorporate even THAT into the invitation shot! Get creative & prepare a small little bag with the invitation and anything else you can think of inside! Make sure to leave the invitation as clean and crisp as you can! I always suggest just putting it in a folder or ziplock bag to avoid any messes!
For today’s blog post, I just used our own wedding invitation and got a little carried away with some ring shots as well as my wedding jewelry! But I wanted to show y’all how just using a simple invitation and envelope can open endless possibilities for some AMAZING detail shots!
Using the front side of the envelope, I simply laid a satin ribbon (also used throughout our day!) and set the earrings on top. Same goes for the invitation & ring shot…I just simply set up the rings on the invitation and laid a pearl necklace next to it, similar to the ones that my Bridesmaids used.
This really fun shot was simple! I just sat up the rings on the gold glitter envelope liner! LOVE it!
This ring shot was simple as well! I just flipped the invitation over to the back!
Same idea here…laying the earrings on the glitter envelope liner. SO pretty!
I hope this post has helped some of y’all and make known the importance of bringing an invitation along with you on wedding day!
Thanks for reading! Happy Wedding Wednesday Loves! XO!
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