Happy Friday lovelies! This morning, I woke up without realizing that it was actually Friday… I thought it was Thursday! You should’ve seen me when I finally figured it out that it was FRIDAY! You see, when you work from home (& 90% of the time work in your jammies!) then pretty much every day feels […]
Welcome to Business Friday! Where I blog about all things photography & owning a small-business. It’s here on Fridays that I will dive into the details of running my own business, my trials, successes and failures over the years, and photography tips as well as editing techniques! Basically, if it’s ANYTHING to do with my […]
So I get asked often what kind of equipment do I use, what software do I use to edit, and lots more of overly technical questions that I feel like they needed their own blog post to answer. Camera Bodies I use: +Canon 5D Mark III (main camera body) + Canon 5D Mark II (backup […]